Uilkje in Oeganda

African time..

If you are wondering why this message is in English... that is because people I met here are getting curious about my web log. So Jimmy, this message will be in English because you asked me that but only for this time! :D And for the people back home who are now pitying the fact that this is in English, don't worry, I'll write a new story somewhere around the beginning of next week.

As I all ready announced, I won't post a message each week. You see, that is because I have to get used to the rhythm of Africa en by that I don't mean the beat of the music (that I like very much by the way) but the perception of time around here. It is like making a appointment at 9.15 and then leave at around 10.45 because some people still needed to go for breakfast first, and let's be honest, you can not hurry that ... right?!
That was yesterday and today I was supposed to be there at the same time, so stupid me, I was all ready feeling bad for being five minutes late but then again, there were some things that had to be arranged before we could leave, so it was 10.30 when we left.... But on the other hand some things can be arranged right at the same moment that you ask for them, people just make time for others.
Most likely I will have an easier time getting used to the system here than getting used to the Dutch situation when I'm coming back. ;)

Yesterday and today I visited a primary school nearby the campus. I had some short interviews with teachers and students to help me get a picture of the problem of drop outs. This was very interesting, image just those things about African schools that you saw on television, and I can tell you, it was like that. When I arrived a group of children was being taught in the shade of a big mango tree. And in the classrooms there was just nothing hanging on the walls, there were barely enough seats, no glass in the windows, etc.

Now, after visiting this school twice I'm going to the field again tomorrow to meet some drop outs. We'll see what tomorrow will bring! But I have the feeling that being late again for five minutes won't be the problem...

Now, like I said next time it'll be in Dutch again because that is also for me a lot easier! Although I'd better get used to write in English! But it's really tiring you out to have to concentrate on English the whole day, at the end of the day I'm mixing up all the words and say the most strange things, so now if I made some mistakes in this story that is because I can barely keep my eyes open at this moment! So enough for now... I'm going to sleep so that hopefully I can make myself understandable again after a night of sweet dreams about.....




Nice to hear that you are getting used to the 'system'. Of course it is different, but it has it's benefits, too! The stress is much less I guess (rijmt :-). I think the fact that you mix up words right now is logical. Within weeks that's over! Keep up the good work there, I'll take a sneak at your pictures right away! And eh... next reaction will also be in Dutch again ;-)

Best regards, Mathijs


Hai hai, cause I'm having so much difficulties reading your story, I can't even imagine we wrote a whole CWS in English!

Skat snel weer int Frysk!



hallo uilkje,

it's nice to read a story of you again!
I am very proud at you that you have written your story in English!!
also I am proud at myself that I understood everything that you wrote ;-)
I hope to hear from you soon...

big kiss from me


Hi Uilkje,
God, that was so good a story to come from someone claiming to be an amatuer in english. I am so grateful that it was for my sake that you had to 'strain' yourself with english. Thanks, how I wish it wasn't 'the last'. I find it interesting to learn how visitors perceive things that we tend to take for granted around here.
Schools with kids studying under mango trees, not yet. Did you see bare-footed kids go to school? Let me not preempt your next visits. Best of luck.. Thanks again, hope after the sweet dreams you can stretch for some more english!


Jeu zeg gane we nou in Engels ouwehoereh,niet best must volgende keer weer s normaal Nederlands skrive ju. ;-). Haha nee knap hoor!!! Gaat goed daar en dat ritme heerlijk!


omke max.

hoi uilkje en jessica, wat leuk dat jullie het naar je zin hebben daar. wij volgen het reisverslag geregeld. in friesland wordt het in het weekend -5 graden. juist nu het gaat vriezen willen andries en marten de boot uit het water halen.(altyd wot let no??) we gaan binnenkort ook een reis(je) naar het buitenland maken,naar Disneyland Parijs. 13 t/m 15 maart.we hopen dat het eten wat beter gaat smaken.nou veel succes met het klimmen over de evenaar, voorzichtig en tot de volgende keer .groetjes vanuit Joure, Hilda Marian Ronnie Aaltje en Marten.


hee, bedankt voor je sms!en had je nog veel geld gewonnen voor valentijn haha :P

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